Sports Day: KS1 and EYFS
We will be holding our sports day for nursery, reception, year 1 and year 2 pupils on the morning of Tuesday 9th July. This is a change to the day given in the latest newsletter due to KS1 pupils visiting Colchester Zoo next week, not leaving enough time to set up the activities for sports day if it remained the following day.
Pupils need to arrive to school in their uniform with their PE kit. Please ensure that, on the day, your child comes to school prepared to be outside for the majority of the morning. Keep an eye on the weather forecast and provide hats, a water bottle, and apply suncream if necessary.
It would be great to see parents and families coming along to support their child(ren) taking part. The events will start at 9.30 am so please arrive to the school reception between 9.15 am and 9.30 am where you will be escorted to viewing areas.