MPA Summer Fair

The MPA Summer Fair is going to be held on Friday 6th July 3pm – 4.30pm.

If you are unable to attend the fair at 3pm please pick your child up at the normal time of 3.15pm.

The external doors of the school will be locked at all times.

Refreshments will be available from our Tea, Coffee and Cake Stall in the hall.

A variety of stalls will be set up in the playgrounds including a raffle, please support us to raise as much money as possible.

If you would like to donate a raffle prize or gifts for the tombola stall that would be most appreciated. Please bring them to the office by Friday 29th June.

Older, school-age brothers or sisters who are not accompanied by a parent/carer will not be allowed on to the school premises until the gates are opened at the normal time of approximately 3.15pm.


Last updated June 25, 2018