Our Uniform
We encourage that all pupils at Murrayfield Primary School have a sense of belonging and that they are able to fully understand and demonstrate our school values of Integrity, Excellence and Community.
Children can wear the plain blue jumpers/cardigans as per the photographs below which can be purchased from many supermarkets. However, if you wish to purchase jumpers/cardigans with the Murrayfield logo, these can be ordered through PMG Ipswich.
The school donates nearly new uniform which is located within the reception area. Families are welcome to help themselves to the items they need.
School Uniform
The following items are required:
- White or Pale Blue Polo Shirt
- Royal Blue Sweatshirt or Cardigan (with or without the school logo)
- Grey Trousers, Shorts, Skirt or Dress or Blue Summer Dress
- White, Grey or Black Socks or Grey Tights
- Black Shoes with backs, covered toes and no heel
PE Uniform
- Swimming Costume, Swimming Hat, Towel,
- Black Shorts, White T-Shirt (Black or Grey tracksuit bottoms and jumper may be worn in the winter)
- Trainers or Plimsolls
The following items are not part of the school uniform
Please do not send you child into school in any open-toed shoe – they are not suitable for the school day and the activities that take place.
Jewellery, makeup, false nails
It is against our school dress code for jewellery, make-up and false nails to be worn in school.
Cycling shorts/leggings